Polyco India

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Mulch Film

Mulching is the process for protect a plant and its roots by covering the soil around the roots with the mulch film. It protects plants from extreme temperature fluctuations. Using this method, the soil forms a kind of microclimate for the plants, which provides the best performance by maintaining soil water, temperature, humidity, carbon-dioxide enrichment, and microbial activity. 

Mulch Film

The plastic films LDPE and LLDPE are now commonly used for mulching. 

The mulches are available in different types of plastic such as black mulches, clear or transparent mulches, two-side color mulches, and degradable mulches.

  • It controls the Soil Temperature. 
  • It prevents erosion of fertilizers.
  • It retent soil moisture.
  • It controls weed growth.
  • It decrease root damage.
  • It reduces soil erosion from water and wind. 
  • It improves productivity.
  • Agriculture : Farmers use Mulch film for Improves productivity of crops.